श्री कृष्ण :
''खाली हाथ अाए अौर खाली हाथ चले। जो अाज तुम्हारा है, कल अौर किसी का था, परसों किसी अौर का होगा। तुम इसे अपना समझ कर प्रसन्न हो रहे हो,बस यही प्रसन्नता तुम्हारे दु:खों का कारण है।''
Shri Krishn :
''You came empty handed & will also go back empty handed. What belongs to you today, belonged to someone else in the past, will belong to someone else in the future. You are thinking it to be yours & feeling happy. Such happiness is the main reason of your sorrows !''
Till the time a person sees himself as a body, not as a soul, it is impossible to understand Lord & His nature.
जब तक मनुष्य अपने आप को एक आत्मा नहीं,एक शरीर के रूप में जानता है, वह भगवान् और उनके असली स्वरुप को जानने में असफल रहता है !
मैं ही जल का मूल स्वाद हूँ, सूर्य की चमक हूँ, वैदिक मन्त्रों में ओंकार मैं ही हूँ, आकाश में गूंजने वाली गूँज भी हूँ, इस पृथ्वी की एकमात्र सुगंध हूँ, अग्नि का ताप हूँ, सब प्राणियो में मिलने वाला जीवन हूँ !
हरे कृष्ण !
Shri Krishn :
I am the TASTE of water, I am the BRIGHTNESS of sun, I am the ONKAR of vedic mantras, I am the THUNDERING in the sky, I am the basic FRAGRANCE of the earth, I am the HEAT of the fire, I am the LIFE of all the living beings.
One who treats with the dear ones, friends, enemies, neutral ones, mediators, malicious people, relatives, saints and sinful people in the same manner, is truly a superior person.
The person whose each and every act is without the wish of sensual satisfaction, is the one knowledgeable. The saints describe such a person as the one, who has demolished the results of karmas (karmfal) in the flames of the complete knowledge.
A person becomes so entangled that money becomes more valuable to him than his own life. In other words, he can risk his life for money.
The householder, the laborer, the merchant, the thief, the dacoit, the rogue, everyone is after money. This is illusion. One loses himself in the midst of this entanglement.
One who keeps himself indulged in me, concentrates the mind steadily in my name, will definitely afford me someday !
Soul of a being is undertaken by ego & thinks himself to be the reason of what he has done (Karta). In fact, they are done under the influence of three characteristics (Gun) of nature : Sato Gun, Rajo Gun & Tamo Gun.
Each and every person has to perform karma. Everyone is bound to do karma. Every one is indulged in doing karma and not even for a single moment, one is free from performing karma. All we need to do is, moral and sacred karmas.
A person who doubts the fruitfulness of Vedas, can't afford the divine satisfaction & falls down further. Such doubtful soul finds happiness neither in this world nor in any other one.
Krishn said to sorrow struck Arjun in Kurukshetra :
You are grief- stricken for those particulars, which don't deserve to be felt for. An intelligent person neither feels sorry for one who is alive nor for one who has died.
Sorrow and happiness are just like passing seasons of weather. Just as a sage takes bath early in the morning not only in summer but also in intense winter, we should also not let us down because of sorrow or happiness. A person who is not frustrated by sorrow and overjoyed with happiness ie; a person with calm and controlled mind, deserves Mukti (Moksha).
The vibration of Krishna's flute is represented by the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. a serious devotee of the Lord who chants and hears this transcendental vibration becomes so accustomed to it that he cannot divert his attention to any subject matter not related to Krishna.
People who show most of their interest in sensual pleasure and materialistic things, fall in affection with such things. In such case, they keep on moving away and away from Lord and His love.
People with a little knowledge are generally attracted towards the wishes of heaven, power and better birth. Drive of sensual satisfaction and luxurious life force them to believe that nothing is superior to such things.
The most superior form of karma is Nishkaam Karma. Doing the karmas without any wish of sensual satisfaction is refferred to Nishkaam Karmas. Such karmas are devoted in the lotus feet of Shri Krishn.
Karmas other than these & their facilities end with the end of physical body but Nishkaam Karmas take us to the new heights in spiritual progress.
At present time, it is really difficult to follow the worshiping methods taught by Vedas. A common man struggles a great deal in obeying all the instructions stated in Vedas.
Chanting the name of Lord is the easiest way in this Kaliyug as stated by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to get closer and closer to Lord Sri Krishn Bhagwan.
Always Chant :
A person who supposes himself to be the servant of Lord devotes his all the actions (karmas) to Lord. Devotion of such actions in Lord's feet excludes the circle of birth and death. This devotion is Krishna consciousness.
So, if we do some social-works or other moral acts, never expect anything during doing them. Don't think yourself to be the reason of such acts. Just devote them in the lotus feet of Shri Krishna & feel satisfied.
"Just as a tortoise controls & hides his organs (legs & head) under his shell, we should also try to control our senses & hide them from material subjects."
Our senses should be indulged in the service of Lord. If these senses will not be serving God, they will decline towards the other way ie. material satisfaction.
"When you think about any material subject, your interest is born for it. Once the interest is born, wish to posses such thing is generated. If such wish is not fulfilled, it results in anger."
Control your senses & limit your needs !
Its really difficult for a highly materialist person to possess the divine knowledge. Such people deny existence of God because of bandage of materialism all around their eyes. What is the meaning of such human life, such life may be compared to a bubble in the ocean which comes in existence for a while & then perishes.