Feb 28, 2013

Sow flowers for those who plant thorns for you!

Plant flowers in the path of the one who plants thorns in your way! You will reap flowers while he will get the three pronged trident. Three shools - illness, agonies and accidents will automatically trouble him. Everyone says we do good, it's the others who are wrong. The external circumstances are bad what to do? So, O my dear, who is doing all the bad? Who can decide that? The right of this is with Nature only. That Nature, who is the birth mother of everyone, even God. The mother punishes children only to teach them something.

God is within us. If sitting within, he is only blaming others, this means that we have not found the God within. When we realise him, he is only a form of love, only love. The love that sees everyone with equality, samdrishti, will forgive everyone, like Jesus Christ said about those who crucified him – 'O lord forgive them for they know not what they are doing.'

Whosoever comes in our life comes to help us wash-off our karm and teach us something. Here we come only to learn from others, whether from their mistakes or their goodness. Do not deplete your energy by criticising. Analyse and take the pearl of wisdom, toil on it, experience it, and string it in the garland of life. This is making the divine within happy.

If there was no Kaiykayee, how could Ram be an example of devotion and obedience towards his mother and father. Learn from everyone and bless them, for if there was no one to give us sorrow how would we learn the lessons of forgiveness, patience and humility. Everyone says that they have imbibed these qualities but that is just superfluous because their real test is when there are problems and difficulties in front of us and yet we remain patient and do not get disturbed. Initially we have to do effort to be patient, and slowly it becomes our natural quality. If there are tests in life, then understand that the lesson has not been learnt fully, surely, there is something lacking somewhere.
Bura jo dekhan main chala
Bura na milya koye
Jo dil khoja aapno
Mujhse bura na koye
I went searching for a bad person, could not find any...when I searched my heart, I was the worst.
Nature is very benevolent, it wants to take us towards poornta, but we get swayed by the brain, use our energy to highlight the faults of others and blame our failures on others and circumstances. Every great human, saint, swami who has the power to show us the way also performed absolute penance, that is why Nature makes them deserving to impart wisdom to others. We can all become deserving if we accept the problems in our life joyfully and perform penance. Nature automatically empowers us when we try and root out our imperfection one by one.

True prayer is to concentrate on our shortcomings and ask the Supreme for shakti to eradicate imperfections. In doing this there is neither the need to leave worldly duties and take time out seperately nor the need to pray for hours in temples, masjids, churches, or to go to caves to do penance of dhyan yog. All these are fine in their own way, but they will fructify only when even in these places the philosophy is realised by praying for the welfare and good-will of all with a peaceful-pure sincere heart.

See the truthful, benevolent beautiful, satyam shivam sunderam form of Nature’s absolute arrangement. Obeying his parents, if Ram had not gone to the forest, how would he have prepared himself to fight Ravan. For fourteen years, away from family and political worries, he encountered problems in the forest, survived on roots and tubers, stayed close to Nature and contemplated on it. He gained so much strength that he could win over a powerful person like Ravan. Would he have got such power enjoying the spoils of his kingdom, Raj-sukh? For Ram ji who for fourteen yrs walked barefoot over thorny, stony paths arranging food as well as places to stay for himself and his dear Sita and Lakshman, this was a preparation for virtue to win over sin.

If mother Sita had not been accustomed to living in the jungle, how would she have spent her days alone amongst Nature in Ravan's orchards, and if she had not borne the pain of separation from Ram how would she have later nurtured Luv-Kush alone again, in the jungle? She did not register her sorrows, nor did she get disturbed. Pure like the Ganga, like the moon on Shiva’s head, Ram’s soul-mate, anupraan accepted the command of her husband with absolute surrender to that moment, gave poorn samskars to Luv and Kush preparing them for justice. She did not lose her self-respect.

An example of duty and embodiment of the power of self-respect, she preferred to dissolve into the Earth rather than give importance to Rajya-sukh.

This is Nature’s Law. She is preparing us for some or the other cause, our mind does not know it, we spend our time labelling the problems and pain given by her as suffering and sorrow.

Shri Krishn has stated in the Geeta that we should live each moment in surrender. Penance is to live in surrender. To live every moment fully using all our mental, physical capacities is human endeavour. Happiness, sukh pushes us towards laziness, the mantra to perform effort is imparted by sorrow, dukh. Bless the enemies for they keep us alert, by giving us food for meditation, dhyan and contemplation. Who would worship god, if there was no Satan? We say that God has given us difficulties and we complain to an external God that 'why did you do this?' So if the Supreme is within us, we are complaining, repenting and abusing ourselves. By indulging in this self-pity, we make ourselves weak. Love yourself, become capable of loving yourself only then can you give self-less love to others.

Now we have to fight falsehood. So similar to all wars which have specific rules for preparation, we need to ready ourselves. This preparation should be done by being truthful. There will be difficulties and stumbling blocks in our path but energy has to be attained by winning over these. Work on your truth. Leave the worry of others' to Nature!

The way to liberate humanity from the clutches of falsehood is true karm, satya karm. Love is the path to put one on the path of progress. The one who enhances is dearer to God as opposed to the one who criticises. Maa Bharati is entangled in chains of falsehood. Come let us prepare to liberate her. This is Natures’ call, the message of progress, the need of time, the call for the mahayagya of true karm. Contribute to it according to your capacity.

Good sankalps are themselves seeds of energy. As the mann, such the aspirations, such the oath, such the deeds, such the fruit of action. There is no duality in this rule, only light and more light.
Bharat bhumi mahan hai
Vedon ka pran hai
Yahi se hona vishv kalyan hai
Yahi Pranam hai

The land of Bharat is great
Is the life breath of the Veds
The world will be delivered from here
This is Pranam.
Satyamev jayate...........Karm is Dharm.........Love never Fails!

courtesy~speaking tree

Lesson from a Butterfly!

A man found a butterfly cocoon and decided to save it. One day a small opening appeared, and the man sat and watched for several hours as the butterfly struggled to force its body through the little hole.

At one point the butterfly seemed to stop making progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and could go no farther. The man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of cocoon. The butterfly emerged easily.

But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would dry in the warm air and open wide enough to support the butterfly’s body. He thought, too, that the body would contract. But neither happened. In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It was never able to fly.

What the man, in his kindness and haste, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening was God’s way of forcing fluid from the butterfly’s body into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it had freed itself from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need. Each hurdle in life is sent by God to make us stronger, like an athlete in training. The difficulties a coach places before an athlete are designed to increase his competence. If God allowed us to go through life without obstacles, we would become crippled—we would never be as strong as we could have been. We would never fly!

Never lose heart in the face of impossible odds.

Feb 27, 2013

How to read Bhagavad Gita?

You should not read Bhagavad Gita to enhance your material activities, but, to go closer to Krishna.

Bhagavad Gita must be read allotting sufficient time for it. Because, it should not be read casually like reading a novel. So, if you read it sparing time for that, it will be very beneficial for you.

You are advised to read the Bhagavad Gita As It Is translated by A.C.Bakthi Vedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada that is available in all ISKCON centres. Because, many authors have written the translations for Bhagavad Gita mixing their own views that deviates from the words of Krishna. As a pure devotee, Srila P)rabhupada has written as said by Krishna.

You can read Bhagavad Gita at any time whenever you feel comfortable. However, if you read in the early morning, your mind will be in Satva guna more and hence, you can understand it well.

Read daily one or two or three slokas with translation and purport. Don’t read it casually like reading a novel. Because, they are the ACTUAL WORDS OF KRISHNA HIMSELF. So, read with full confidence and devotion with Krishna.

I followed a method that was very beneficial. I read Bhagavad Gita 3-4 slokas a day. After completing such reading for a single chapter, I read the entire chapter on that wek end in fast track again. This helped me to keep the links between slokas and chapters in mind when we go to the next chapter. So, while reading sloka by sloka attentively, you can also do fast track revision of all previous chapters every month atleast.

Bhagavad Gita speaks of four yogas. 1. Karma yoga; 2. Gnana Yoga; 3. Dhyana Yoga and 4. Bakthi yoga.

Karma Yoga means connecting with Krishna through duties.

Gnana Yoga means means connecting with Krishna through knowledge.

Dhyana yoga means connecting with Krishna through dhyan.

Bakthi yoga , that is the highest level, means connecting with Krishna through surrender of ourselves to Krishna in devotion.

Bhagawan has also explained about all the four yogas one by one in sequence.

If you are unable to understand fully in your first reading, read again. Bhagavad Gita will give a new meaning every time you read it.

It is better to have the guidance of a senior devotees because if you have any doubts you can ask the devotees in the nearest ISKCON centres. Also attend the sunday Bhagavad Gita class in those centres where the speakers will give you tips to read and understand Gita.

My another advice to you is, read all the small books written by Srila Prabupada that will give an introduction to the concepts given in Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures. If you read Bhagavad Gita after reading those small books, you can easily understand it.

So, start reading those small books followed by Bhagavad Gita As It Is today itself.

Feb 25, 2013

How can we get rid of our deep rooted Vasanas?

The greatest obstacle in the path of surrender is egoism (ahamkaram) and Attachment or Possessiveness (mamakaram). This is ingrained in your personality since ages and its tentacles go deeper and deeper with the experience of every succeeding life. It can be removed only by the twin detergents of discrimination and renunciation. Devotion is the water to wash away this dirt of ages, and the soap of japam, dhyaanam and yoga (repetition of God's name, meditation and communion) will help to remove it quicker and more effectively. Slow and steady progress will surely win the race in this one; quicker means of travel can spell disaster. Proceed step by step in your spiritual practices - placing one steady step before you take the next. Do not waver or slide back two paces with one step forward. Cultivate deep faith - that will make your progress steady!


Whether you are actively working in the world or have withdrawn from it, the most important consideration is not the work that you do or not do, but how effectively you have been able to uproot and destroy the deep- seated tendencies which lie hidden in your heart. The principal objective of all spiritual practices is the removal of the deep-seated negative thought forms, impure habits, tendencies, and predispositions, which in Sanskrit are called the vasanas, and which have encased themselves deeply within you. They manifest in your thoughts and actions as the twin evils of attachment and hatred, or attraction and repulsion. You must cleanse yourself of all trace of these evils which have harbored themselves inside you. If you just run away to the forest or to a cave without performing the appropriate exercises to remove your inner enemies, then, whether you like it or not, all your latent tendencies will continue to produce thoughts and actions that bind you. These impurities will lie there as seeds in your heart and prompt a stream of thoughts that will be saturated with likes and dislikes, desires and delusions. As a result, you end up forgetting your true human nature.

The Gita has shown that if you can root out the entrenched tendencies that cling to your heart, then you are free to perform any action without concern for the results. From that point on, you will not be bound by any actions that you may become engaged in. In other words, you will be freed completely from the fruits of your actions. People who do not understand this truth and end up renouncing all outside activities become mired in sloth and laziness. But the Gita has repeatedly warned that there is no room at all for laziness in the world of the spirit. What the Gita teaches is the yoga of impersonal action, in which you remain totally detached and free of any personal interest in the work that you do and in the results that accrue from it. It means working with full concentration to the limits of your capacity for excellence, but orienting all your actions to the service of God and remaining established in God-consciousness. You will not be able to reach this high stage of desirelessness in your actions and renunciation of the fruits of your labors, as long as your vasanas which have arisen from past actions are unfavorable for spiritual progress.

Grateful & Thankful!

What should we be grateful for? What should we thank God for?

Have you not heard the story of the lion suffering from a wound in the foot? A slave who was fleeing through the forest saw it and when he approached it with sympathy, the lion put out its paw. He then slowly pulled out the thorn that had caused all that pain and left the place, only to be arrested later and taken to Rome. There, they decided to throw him into the amphitheatre and let loose upon him a lion that had been recently captured. It was, however, the same lion which the slave had saved and so, its gratitude did not allow it to harm its saviour. See, even animals exhibit gratitude, not only the pet animals, but even the wild ones like the lion. Express your gratitude to the Creator who has poured into you nectar that grants immortality! Be grateful to the Lord for endowing you with powers of discrimination, detachment and evaluation.

Four important teachings

Four important teachings to follow in our lives....

Make four resolutions about your life hereafter and live in joy.
1. Practise Purity - Desist from wicked thoughts, bad habits and mean activities that weaken your self-respect.
2. Do Service – Serve others, for they are the reflections of the same entity of which you yourself are another reflection. No one of you has any authenticity on your own, except with reference to your Creator, the Lord.
3. See Mutuality – Feel always the kinship with all creation. See the same current flowing through all objects in the Universe.
4. Live in Truth – Do not deceive yourself or others by distorting your experience.

Feb 6, 2013

Oh God! My Life is yours!

Because you picked me up, when I struggled to get through.
Because you healed my heart, when it was thrown and shattered.
Because you gave me hope, when it seemed so out of reach.
Because you filled me with peace, when chaos flowed through my veins.
Because you showed me the light, when there was only darkness.
Because you gave me comfort, when my voice cried out in pain.
Because you reassured me, when the doubts screamed in my head.
Because you kept me going, when there seemed nowhere to go.
Because you sustained me with strength, when weakness became all I knew.
Because you came and stayed, when everyone else turned around and left.
Because you gave me a purpose, when life seemed so pointless.
Because you restored my happiness, when life seemed to snatch it away.
Because you filled this emptiness, when the void echoed with loneliness.
Because you helped me let it all go, when I gripped the tightest to hold on.
Because you showed me the beauty of life, when the world showed me nothing but hate and corruption.
Because you gave me a better life, when the old one fought to come back.
Because I am nothing without you, nothing but a hopeless being.
Because only You could tear down my wall of pride, and instead build it back up with love and humbleness.
Because of all this, I give you my life Lord.
I will put all my fears and failures in Your hands, my worries that consume me, my pain that destroys me.
You were always there, even when I rejected You.
Because of all You are, my life, oh God, is yours.