Nov 2, 2012

What exactly is surrender?

Many often believe and state in the spirit of surrender: “I offer to You my body, my mind, my possessions, my all." This is incorrect and is a sign of ignorance. It concedes that you and God are distinct entities. God is not separate from you, for God is in all, everywhere, at all times. (Ishwarassarva-bhoothaanaam). How then can you or God be apart? To see God in everything, everywhere, at all times, is true surrender (Sharanaagathi). Repetition of mantras (holy formulae) and platform speeches on holy texts alone is not true devotion. The real devotee is one whose deeds are in accordance with the words of advice they utter. Devotion cannot tolerate in a devotee, the slightest trace of envy or jealousy. Make your daily life holy and pure. Render your life worth-while through service to man and service to society. That is the most important aspect of surrendering the self.

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