Jun 14, 2012

If Krishna is God, then why dint He destroy the other side??

Krishna is God and he could instantly kill all the soldiers on the other side with just one glance, but he didn’t do this, because he doesn’t interfere with our free will, which is given by him. Otherwise there is no point in human existence. Being human means we have free will, which we can use properly or misuse.

Based on the actions taken by Arjuna and his opponent Duryodhana, they will have to face the reactions to their actions. Which in this case resulted in war. Krishna approached Duryodhana and asked him to settle the land dispute peacefully but he refused and declared war. So then Krishna offered to help both sides, one side can choose his army and the other side can choose him as an adviser. This is free will, which we all have.

Duryodhana choose the army of Krishna as he thought by having more men he would win the war. Arjuna was very eager for Krishna himself as an adviser, as he thought to have God is better than everything else. Krishna was God but he was playing the role of a Prince and thus he had an army, all Princes had armies in ancient times. Arjuna knew that Krishna was God even before hearing the Bhagavad-Gita.

Only a few people knew that Krishna was God, even though Krishna very clearly proved that he was the greatest person. Even today, out of the 6.5 billion people in the World, less than 1 billion may have heard about the greatness of Krishna, and only a few hundred million know for sure that Krishna is the one and only God.

We can select the President or the Prime Minister of a country, but God himself selects those who can know him, very few, as God is not so cheap.

“Out of thousands of persons, one will strive for spiritual self-realization, and among the strivers, someone may know me. (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 7.3)

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