Jun 14, 2012

The Scholar Came to His Senses:

Once a Brahmin met a scholar walking in the street. The Brahmin was holding
a copy of the Gita, and his eyes were swimming in a sea of tears. The scholar
thought that the Brahmin was unable to understand some of the teachings of
the Gita. He came to the Brahmin and said, Dont cry, I have come here to
help you. Tell me, where do you find it difficult, which particular sloka
dont you understand? I shall explain it to you.

The Brahmin replied, I am weeping because I see the Lord Krishna right in
front of me. No matter what page I turn to, I see Arjunas chariot. I see
Arjunas charioteer, Krishna. These are my psychic tears. I see my Lord in
all the pages, I see Sri Krishna in his chariot. That is why I am shedding
tears. It is not that I do not understand the teachings of the Gita.

The scholar came to his senses.

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