Oct 19, 2011

64 qualities of Krishna

The qualities of Krsna are as follows:

1. soft-limbed

2. endowed with all auspicious bodily characteristics

3. beautiful

4. very effulgent

5. strong

6. in the prime of youth

7. able to speak all sorts of languages

8. truthful

9. speaks in a pleasing manner

10. eloquent

11. learned

12. intelligent

13. genius

14. clever in rasa

15. cunning

16. skilful

17. grateful

18. determined in vows

19. acts according to time, place and person

20. sees through the eyes of scripture

21. clean

22. sense controlled

23. steady

24. mild

25. forgiving

26. grave

27. patient

28. equal to all

29. generous

30. righteous

31. brave

32. merciful

33. respectful

34. straightforward

35. courteous

36. bashful

37. protector of those surrendered to him

38. happy

39. friend of his devotee

40. controlled by prema

41. makes everyone happy

42. dignified

43. famous

44. attractive to all

45. refuge of the devotee

46. attractive to women

47. worshipable by all

48. prosperous

49. the best

50. endowed with opulences

51. always situated in his own form

52. omniscient

53. ever youthful

54. form of concentrated eternity, knowledge and bliss

55. endowed with all mystic powers

56. endowed with inconceivable energies

57. shelter of unlimited universes

58. the origin of all avataras

59. giver of liberation to even his enemies

60. attractive to those enjoying the self

61. ocean of pastimes amazing to all

62. surrounded by gopis resplendent with unequalled love in srngara rasa

63. plays the flute which attracts the whole universe

64. unequalled beauty which astounds all creatures

Among the sixty-four qualities, the first fifty are present in the jivas to a small degree. All of them are present in Krsna to the fullest extent. The first fifty qualities and the next five qualities are partially present in Lord Siva and others. The next five qualities along with the previous fifty-five qualities are present in Narayana, Lord of Vaikuntha. Narayana has these sixty qualities in full. However, these sixty qualities appear in Krsna in a more wonderful manner. In addition, Krsna possesses four exceptional qualities: the sweetness of his pastimes, the sweetness of his love, the sweetness of his form and the sweetness of his flute. No one except Krsna has these four qualities. Therefore the para brahman or vipascit brahman, the highest manifestation of truth, should be understood to be Sri Krsna.

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