Mar 22, 2012


Krishna's flute is the Divine love melody which elevates the sweet feelings of meeting with Krishna, resulting in the sweetest blissful experience of His association.

The conception of infinity cannot come into the finite minds of the worldly people, so how can they understand the stages of Bhaava (ecstacy) which is many many times higher and sweeter than Divine Bliss of meditation & samaadhi.

At the sweet sound of the flute, Gopis came running to Krishna, but He talked to them in a formal manner to increase their desire for meeting. In this way, He gave a lesson to the devotees that only those are qualified to enjoy the pleasure of ras who are completely detached from material and sensual attractions, and who have renounced their personal attachments for Krishna's sake. Again, with his playful nature, he gave them the pleasure of meeting and disappeared to excite their feelings of separation, so that in another meeting, they could realize the charm and beauty of Divine love in its full glory. These acts have been described in five chapters of the Bhagwatam
(Called - Raasa Panchaadhyaayi) which are actually the fivefold experiences of Divine sweetness, whose secrets are imperceptible even to those Saints who have not experienced the Divine love of Vrindaban bhao.

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