Mar 22, 2012

GOPIKA s The Greatest of Devotees

GOPIKA s The Greatest of Devotees -
( Supreme Unconditional, & Pure LOVE )

One day, Krishna was seated in Mathura in his kingdom, and suddenly He acted as if he had a headache.

Narada then comes by and seeing his Lord in that pitiable condition, immediately wants to relieve Him of the pain. So he asks, “Lord, what should we do? Have they not provided you with some kind of ointment?” The Lord says, “See, this kind of headache will not go away by such medicines; what I need is the dust of the feet of My devotees.”

. "The medicine I need is the dust of the feet of my devotees."

Narada says he isn't willing to give the dust from his own feet to be put on the Lord's head because he's sure he'll be sent to hell if he does that. So he thinks of a plan and advises Krishna that He should seek the dust of His consorts, Rukmini and Sathyabhama.

Accordingly Narada approaches them and the obvious question they ask is, “Why are you not giving the dust of your feet?” And Narada expresses his fears. Immediately, they resound the same anxiety and say, “Even we will be condemned to hell if we do that. We cannot do this. It's impossible.”

Disappointed, Narada returns to the Lord and says, “Krishna, I don't think this headache of Yours is ever going to be relieved.” Then Krishna says, “No, no! You go to Brindavan. My true devotees are there. You ask them, they will give you.”

Narada is quite perplexed because he thinks, “The most intelligent and intellectual of them are right here in Mathura, and they are not ready to give the dust of their feet. What will those cowherds know? Anyway, I'll give it a try because my Lord has commanded me to.”

He therefore goes to Brindavan, calls the Gopikas and says, “Krishna is suffering from a headache and he wants the dust of your feet to cure it.” Immediately, the Gopikas bring a huge cloth and all of them jump on top of it, bundle it up, and give it to Narada without asking any more questions. Narada is perplexed. He asks them, “Are you not scared that you'll be shunned to hell for doing this blasphemous act?”

The Gopikas say, “Narada, all we know is that our beloved Krishna is suffering from a headache. It doesn't matter what happens to us. Even if our life has to be put at stake, we do not care. His headache should be cured. That is all. Even a second of our lord's pleasur is very important for us ... we are prepared to even suffer in hell till eternity for that”

That was the love the Gopikas had for Lord Krishna.Unconditional, Unparallaled, divine.

So this is the topmost devotee, prepared to do anything without any consideration.
That is pure devotee.

Anyābhilāṣitā-śūnyam ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānuśīlanam [Bhakti Rasaamruta Sindhu. 1.1.11]. There should be no personal desire. That should be zero. Anyābhilāṣitā-śūnyaṁ jñāna-karmādy-anā... Simply one should try to please Kṛṣṇa. There is no other consideration. Only to satisfy Kṛṣṇa. That is pure bhakti.

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