Mar 22, 2012

My Krishna!

My Krishna!
Standing close to You,
Doubts in my mind must be few;
Yet, the mind conjurs its idiotic questions anew:

What will i enjoy, my Lord?
Must i look at Your beautiful feet
Which are my only shelter as times fleet?

Must i look at Your Forever-Giving Hands,
Which don't even give Your devotees to ask twice a chance?

Must i look at Your fingers slender-
That hold the Panchajanya which sent Your foes running asunder?

Must i look at Your arms so inviting-
That held me in an embrace revelling?

Must i look at Your pillar-like thighs,
Wherein, i rested my cheeks, on a day so nice?

Must i stare unabashedly at Your radiant face-
That brings a smile on Your devotees' face?

Must i stare at Your lotus-eyes so wide-
And, myself, lost in You find?

Must i look at Your moustache,
That completes Your picture of amazement with panache?

Or, must i find respite in Thine smile-
Even as it sends all haunting doubts to exile??

Or, must i just to Rukmini Thaayar bow-
Who has forever Her kind grace bestowed?

By the Lord of Time,
To stand close to Him, i have been blessed abundantly:
But oh! when You smile Your beautiful smile-
You send the concept of 'time duration' to exile!

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