Mar 22, 2012


Krishna is the beloved of the Gopis and He loves them all, so, with a will to enrich and give the fullest experience of Divine love Bliss, He, with His naughty actions, awakens and develops the desire of meeting in their hearts and gives them separation (viyog). He says to the Gopis,in chapter 10 of Bhagwatam

"A greedy person rejoices when he receives great wealth. If suddenly he loses it, he feels sad and every moment he remembers the previously enjoyed pleasures of his lost wealth.In the same way, I give you separation, so that your mind may be engrossed in My love and you can enjoy more Bliss in My meeting. I am your Beloved and you are My sweethearts, so I do such things because I wish to give you the utmost Bliss of love. It is My nature that I give My love to those who renounce everything for Me."


Further He says, "You have broken the unbreakable fetters of family life, given up everything for Me and loved Me with your heart and soul. You lived for Me but you desired nothing from Me, so I have become your debtor forever."

Who can imagine the fortune of such Gopis and who can fathom the love of those Gopis, who made Krishna their debtor?

To give the ultimate experience of Divine love to the Gopis, Sri Krishnaa, during His appearance period, once provided them with the proper atmosphere and association to develop their feelings of separation pull the desire for meeting. Later, He poured the greatest bliss of Divine love into their hearts by His playful nets. All these activities are collectively called Maharas (maha means the greatest), which was the ultimate experience of the twofold sweetness of Divene love, virah and Milan and which, in the first instance, appeared as the music of His flute

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