Oct 23, 2011

Definitions of Prakriti and Purusha

The mind, intellect, ego, ether, air, fire, water, and earth are the eightfold transformation (or division) of My material energy (Prakriti). (7.04)

Prakriti is My lower Nature. My other higher Nature is the Spirit or Purusha by which this entire universe is sustained. (7.05)

All creatures have evolved from this twofold energy; and I --- the Supreme Being (ParaBrahma, Krishna) --- am the source of origin as well as dissolution of the entire universe. (7.06)

Know that both the material Nature (Prakriti) and the Spiritual Being (Purusha) are beginningless. All manifestations and three dispositions of mind and matter, called modes or Gunas, are born of Prakriti. Prakriti is said to be the cause of production of the physical body and the eleven organs of perception and action. Purusha (Consciousness, Spirit) is said to be the cause of experiencing pleasure and pain. (13.19-20)

Spiritual Being (Purusha) enjoys three modes (Gunas) of material Nature (Prakriti) by associating with Prakriti. Attachment to the Gunas (due to ignorance caused by previous Karma) is the cause of birth of the living entity (Jeeva) in good and evil wombs. (13.21)

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