Oct 13, 2011

O Blessed Water!

O The water of the blessed river:
Tell me about my dear lover!
How the sweetness of His touch sanctified You,
And gave you life anew!

Tell me how you His lotus feet cleansed,
And, with that sweet water yourself cleansed!
Tell me how your blessed water entered His mouth-
And felt the nectar that i have sought!

Tell me how He held you in His cupped palm,
Tell me about His infinite charm;
Tell me what it was like to touch His curly locks-
And, thus free yourself from all the chains with double locks.

Tell me about His endless eyes on which you were splashed,
Tell me about His luscious lips that You so luckily touched.
Tell me about that cloud-complexioned boy,
Who played with you like you were His toy.

When you washed the serene radiance of His face:
Was it not like You were washing the sun's rays?
Tell me, when you touched Him in every place:
Weren't you playing with the World's solace?

They say in your waters are lost the impure-
For you are among the most pure-
But, when the One who made you pure- the Purest of the Pure
Straddled in you, wasn't He making your impure pure?

Oh! You served Him so wonderfully,
What a day when the Lord played in your water joyfully.
Not capable of serving Him, my state is sorry:
May He bless me to serve Him beautifully!

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