Oct 13, 2011

Love is Divine: Love is You!!

Dearest Krishna,

People say love is divine:
Oh! Am in love with divinity itself!

People say love is above all:
With the Lord of all, in Love i did fall!

People say love is beyond the clutches of time,
Am in Love with the Master of Time!

People say in the Lover they see God,
Oh! My lover is indeed the Lord!

People say love makes the world spin,
My Lover sustains the worlds within!

When people are in love, the moon is a beautiful whim,
But oh! My lover's serene radiance can make the moon squirm!

When in love, the lover is faultless:
My Lord is, by nature, blemishless!

People say love is life:
What do i say? My Lover is the sustainer of Life!

People say love is service:
The world is forever at His service!
(count me along!)

People say love is surrender:
Unto my Lord, am surrendered!

My love: it sings His greatness:
But bemoans its littleness!

My love, to describe, i resort to cliches,
O Beautiful Eyed One: Beating around the bush, i lost my way!

From this bizarre predicament, my heart You save:
i love You: That's all i wanted to say!

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