Oct 13, 2011

Krishna is the dweller

Krishna is the dweller in our heart whether we know it or not.

The moment you look towards Him in need with strong determination that He will be there for you no matter what and He is the only one who can help, be it any situation on the path You will find him next to you.Even if there is no hope and all other sources of help you have given up on there is a source strong enough which can help.

Draupadi called out for, Sri Krishna, when she was cruelly assaulted by the wicked cousins of her husbands, and so the Lord responded but after a little delay.

Krishna said she could have received his grace in fraction of a second had she called out, 'Oh Dweller in my heart', instead of O' Krishna of Dwaraka, for He dwells there as everywhere else.Earlier she was calling Him but still hoping that her husbands or the elders would come to help, so the Lord had to wait.

The moment she looked to Him as the only refuge and gave up looking towards any of her kith and kins thats the moment when grace showered.

Not all your prayers are answered in the way you expected them. Thats not because He is not listening , its either because the call was not fervent enough. If the intensity was deep and yet you feel He didnt answer know for sure He knows all beginings and ends and will make sure what is best for you happens. It might not always be very clear though why?... but trust Him.

He is the greatest planner and He is the best friend , no one else can care so deeply and plan so flawlessly.

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