Oct 13, 2011

Your Grace is my Everything

My Krishna!

Your grace can make impossible possible. In reality impossible word can be in the dictionary of this world but not in the dictionary of your Grace. There Poison can become nectar, fire can become cold. Poisonous snake, mad elephant, Demons all can change their nature, the dumb can become fluent, illiterate can become scholar by your Grace.

In reality what is it tha is not possible with your grace. That’s why now its just this sentiment that whatever is happening all is your grace. O My Lord! That which is the root and cause of Company of the wise(Holy) (Satsang), Service (seva) , and remembrance of your name ( Sumiran )is nothing else but your grace. This may not merely remain a writing of my pen or the words of my mouth. This should become my deep faith.

Shri Krishna is my trust
Shri Krishna is my thirst
Every moment every second

I expect and look forward to God's Grace :

In the morning the eyes can not open without your Grace, Then how can any thing else can be believed to be without your Grace. The truth is that whatever I am, Whatever is with me all that is a result of your grace. That which has been received, is being received or will be received in future is only due to your Grace. Favourable circumstances are your grace and the truth is if any unfavourable circumstances are experienced then that too is your grace.
O Lord now may my faith be so deep that may I not see anything other than your grace, may anything other than your grace not please my heart, may my thoughts never go elsewhere even for a second may now every cell sings

"Your Grace is my everything my benevolent lord
I need now nothing else my benevolent Lord"

May with your grace this feeling become the deep faith of the core of my being, my deep trust , my trust.

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