Oct 13, 2011

A Peircing Glance and a Lasting Smile

When the sun comes out of the ocean,
When a lamp lights up a dark room all of a sudden,
When the fire dances about in a night sullen:
Then, a shade of Your glance i may have begotten.

When the horizon creaked in pristine glory,
When the rainbow lit up the sky so cloudy,
When the crescent adorned the sky smartly:
Then, i remembered Your smile gladly.

The sun, the star, the moon, the sky :
Them i use in an attempt to describe
Your wonders so profound, my shiny-armoured Knight! :)
But oh! As the Lord Yourself, all definitions You defy.

Bless these eyes of mine to forever be able to see You,
Bless me that i forever sing Your glories anew:
i am unto You surrendered: Keep me with You-
Forever to be able to love and to serve You!

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