Oct 13, 2011

So Be It!

If i must not come see You, so be it;
If i must not come revel at You, so be it;

If i must not feast my eyes on Your beautiful form, so be it.
If i must not hear those poetic sounds so awesome; so be it.
If i must not let my mind dance like the lamps, so be it.
If i cannot admire Your beautiful stance, so be it.

If i must not partake Your dinner, so be it.
If i must not drink the Nectar of Your Lotus Feet, so be it.
If i am entitled to be a moaning loser, so be it.
If this cruel seperation is part of Your plans neat, so be it.

If this be Your descision, so be it-
Surrendered slave i am- i will not question it.
If my agony is Your joy, so be it-
Your joy is my jubilation, so be it!

But, when i am thus unceremoniously cast away-
Do You wish me to smile away, O Lord now so Far Away?
What of the tribulations in the mind's fray
Caused by Your mighty play?

You can do what You may-
Yet, i have doubts nay:
For today, You may keep me away,
But, otherwise, You will make things work my way!

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