Oct 13, 2011

Divert all of your senses

Divert all of your senses in Krishna-Bhakti!!
It is an astounding statement that 'The more one engages one's senses, the more the attachment grows.'

Therefore we should divert all our senses towards Krishna-Bhakti. Lets remember the following verse of prayer to get attached to Krishna only:

O Krishna, Lord of mercy, I pray, falling on Your lotus-feet, that You bestow Your endless mercy on me ->

- to have exclusive devotion towards Your Lotus-feet
- to see You and Your devotees only wherever I see
- to hear only Krishna-Katha.. i.e. Your Pastimes
- to do the work only for You, Krishna, with both of my hands
- to use them (my hands) to offer Pranama to Krishna only
- to bow my head only to pay obeisances to You
- to have association of only Krishna devotees
- to think and to talk about You and Your glories only
- to live and give up my worthless life in Prabhu-Prema only..

Hare Krsna ♥

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